Setting goals and staying motivated as a business owner:

Summer is coming to a close, and a new season is on the horizon for your business! It can be difficult to continue to stay motivated through periods of change and transition, one major thing that you can do to ease into the new season is to plan your business projections for next year and set goals.

Setting business goals:

  1. Identify what areas of business need improvement or growth - look for your opportunities!

  2. After you identify those areas, set specific overall goals that you would like to achieve in those areas

  3. Once you have overarching goals, make smaller goals or steps you know are achievable that will get you closer to the larger goal 

  4. Make sure your goals are measurable

  5. Delegate goal related tasks to employees if possible

  6. Measure your progress on a regular basis!

In order to stay motivated as a business owner, using goals to keep looking to grow and expand your business or profits is beneficial. Having goals you are always striving towards will keep you motivated to keep moving forward. Goals will also keep you focused on the direction you want to head. Whether its increased profits, product/service expansion, or customer growth goals, having something to work towards will help you stay motivated to achieve the progress and success you are reaching for. 

Other things you can do to boost motivation are:

  1. Take time for yourself

    • This one is very important! Constantly working during all hours of the day can lead to feelings of burnout. Feeling burnt out on work will lead to loss of motivation and fatigue. You have to make time to take breaks and do other things that you enjoy. Take up new hobbies or do something you used to find a lot of joy in that you haven't done in a while! Separating your work and personal life will allow your time spent at work to be more productive and enjoyable.

  2. Get inspired by others’ success

    • There have been many entrepreneurs over the years that have experienced the same hardships, struggles, and lack of motivation that you may feel as a business owner. It can be inspiring to learn of other business owner’s success, whether that is a local entrepreneur in your area or the biggest people in the business. Dreaming of the heights your business can reach and seeing how others have done it before can be a big boost to your motivation. 

Keep dreaming and do what you love! You can't forget why you started in the first place. Revisit how you felt when you first started your business and all the things you hoped to achieve. Look where you are now and embrace the growth and achievements, no matter what their size is. Remember why you do it and try to keep that same passion that got you to where you are!


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